Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Giving Up / Trekking On

to nobody in particular:

...last year, i gave up music for Lent -- and it was rough...

...this year, i'm giving up sweet/salty snacks/desserts -- 'twill also be rough...

...but, like giving up music, will be ultimately beneficial...

...no chocolate, pretzels, cakes, chips, blah blah -- should be pretty interesting...

...last year, with no music, i was able to keep myself quieter with less distractions -- more thinking, pondering, praying and more physical and spiritual awareness...


currently watching: "Lost" -- Season Five

...yes, we are finally almost completely caught up -- and watching this season (5) has been quite entertaining -- no letdown whatsoever...

Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Past 168 Hours / The Future Oscar Winner?

to nobody in particular:

...here's a concise look over the last week...

saturday: Hannah throws up through the night (not constantly, but consistently)...

sunday: Saints deservedly win the Superbowl while Colts deservedly lose...

monday: Travis throws up through the night (not constantly, but consistently); Hannah joins in as well...

tuesday: tired after three nights of less than three hours each...

wednesday: Sarah throws up through the night (not constantly, but consistently); Ben becomes last man standing...

thursday: cool evening out with friend; break from the sick family...

friday: finish up English Camp brochures; anticipation increases...

saturday: Feinkost ladies tea is today; have fun, Sarah...


recently enjoyed watching: The Hurt Locker

...Avatar should not win Best Picture, especially when this movie is in the running...

Sunday, February 07, 2010

Short Thought / Rogue Agent

to nobody in particular:

...after more than a dozen times throwing up within a span of 8 hours throughout the night, Hannah is finally feeling better -- and sadly, it was already laundry day today, so the washing machine is working over time...

...on top of that lack of sleep, the Superbowl game (starting at 12:30am local time) is welcomed at our party at Don's house, along with more than 10 other guys who are crazy enough to hang out with us superlate on a Sunday night (most of whom aren't even American!)...

...did i mention: go not-Colts!...

...i've almost forgotten what normal snowless sidewalks look like, as well as the fact that grass is the color green -- snow, just give it up already...

...how is Avatar the highest grossing movie of all time? -- disgusting...

...i'm wondering if Jesus Christ is one of the most mistakenly misunderstood individuals in the history of individuals -- or maybe just simply one of the most awesome, probably...

...you know why i'm blogging right now? because Sarah is watching Pride & Prejudice (the A&E Colin Firth version) in the other room -- and life goes on...

...dot dot dot...


currently reading: Robert Ludlum's The Bourne Sanction by Eric Van Lustbader