Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Late Evening Stillness / Recent Dinner Satisfaction

to nobody in particular:

...Travis is dreaming, Hannah is snoozing, and Sarah is falling asleep...'s that relaxing part of my day in the evening where sounds are scarce and distractions are unlikely visitors...

...the fairly dense silence is sometimes accompanied by the faint whisper of a keyboard tapping, a disc whirring, or a page turning...'s where my body tends to shut down for a spell, needing to unwind, like a rubber-band being loosened and set free -- after being used for what was intended, it sighs back into comfort and rest...

...yes, i find it hard to just slip under the covers and "try" to fall asleep; i need the brain and body to slow down -- through a book, through the internet, through a movie, through a video game...

...'tis almost a de-energizing of the day before the re-energizing for the next... is beautiful..., if i could only find my groove for the mornings...


..."you learn something new every day"..., i learned: my son likes eating green beans and two and half rolls for dinner sometimes...


recently heard twice in German stores and reminiscing about: Take That

...i'm not 100% certain, but i'm pretty sure that Backstreet Boys, N*Sync and the like had/have nothing on these wonderful souls...

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