Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I Would Be Scared Too / Hello, Good Ideas, Are You There?

to nobody in particular:

..."ben, remember when we lived in that small apartment in nyack when we were first married, and i was in the bathroom and then got scared, because all of a sudden, this huge, long, thin bug came down out of the ceiling and it had all these testicles and -- ugh, noooo!"...

...(insert laughter here)...

...i think the intended thought was "tentacles"...

...hey -- i don't make this stuff up...


..."you learn something new every day"...

...four days ago, i learned: apparently, some new york bugs have tons of testicles...

...three days ago, i learned: back in the day, a missionary here in Berlin once won "Wheel of Fortune" and traveled to Europe...

...two days ago, i learned: i need to prepare more than i do...

...yesterday, i learned: even though you are motivated and are intentional, you can't force good ideas to just "come"...

...today, i learned: you don't always learn something new in the first couple hours of the day -- except maybe what i just wrote (the first time, at least)...


currently reading: The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C.S. Lewis


ImANunGetOverIt said...

One of the memories I will carry with me forever... :)

Optimist Prime said...

that WOULD be terrifying.