to nobody in particular:
...these last several days, Sarah and i have been working on finding a Kita (pre-school/daycare) for Travis, for him to start in a few months -- and everything has fallen into place in this last week: Travis will be starting at a bi-lingual, large school in a Kita group at the end of September -- it will be a great class, with tremendous teachers and a fantastic atmosphere for him to play with other kids, improve both his German and English, and for us to get to know other parents...
...and i was excited about this last point especially, but then last night, at the parents' info meeting, i was struck with the odd reality -- one which i was aware of, but had never let it sink in: 85% of the other parents are in their mid-40s or older... is amazing to me that most of the kids that Travis will be spending time with that are his age or younger, that they have parents that could be old enough to be my parents -- it is just a ridiculously crazy fact that i still can't grasp!...
...i shared with Sarah, as we walked home after the meeting, how funny i find it that many Germans wait until they are around the age of 40 before they decide it is time to have children (or one child, at least) and then, when that child is less than a year old, already send them to a Kita for four hours a day (at least), increasing that time apart as they get older -- i haven't figured it out yet...
...i love my kids...

..."you learn something new every day"...
nine days ago, i learned: there must be some kind of strange, bizarre, terrible connection between me and technology...
eight days ago, i learned: oh my, my dear Cleveland Indians -- why do you do this to yourself?...
seven days ago, i learned: performing Christina Aguilera's "Beautiful" is never an option, and that's my final word...
six days ago, i learned: don't fall behind...
five days ago, i learned: i don't need fireworks on a 4th of july -- but steak and baked potatoes are swell...
four days ago, i learned: just be flexible and adapt, and the positive side of things will emerge...
three days ago, i learned: mmmmmmm...Guylian Dark Belgian Chocolates...
two days ago, i learned: what i've been missing all this time!...
yesterday, i learned: i am a young parent (see above)...
today, i learned: on this date in 1982, some guy broke into Buckingham Palace and made it into the Queen Elizabeth II's bedroom before getting caught (i read it somewhere in passing in German, so i think i got it right)...
currently reading: Earth: A Visitor's Guide
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