Monday, November 17, 2008

Speciecism / Sportism

to nobody in particular:

...on saturday, i had made my way down to Alexanderplatz and was greeted by a protest...

...well, not that this is a surprise, because protests are common in this country -- and especially in this city -- and, well, Alexanderplatz is a commercial center to the former east-Berlin... was a protest against any type of cruelty against animals -- using animals for clothing, product-testing, research, eating...

...some of the banners read: "kill capitalism, not animals", "don't eat animals", and "animals have life" -- you know, the usual...

...but one stuck out at me -- it read: "against racism, against sexism, against speciecism, against capitalism"...

..."speciecism"? -- i don't think i have ever heard/read that term before, and if i have, i've never taken notice of it... mind begins to whir -- am i guilty of speciecism? do i live out certain prejudices and hold some species in higher regard than others? do i treat animals better or worse than other humans? do i treat cats and dogs differently, because of deep, inner presumptions? what can i do to rid myself of any and every hint of speciecism? am i even spelling the word right?...

...then i think -- i'm not that bad of a speciecist, am i? i do hold a much higher value on actual human beings than on rabbits and minks, but does that make me a speciecist? would i kill a human and use it as a fur coat or boots, or eat it between two slices of bread? am i prejudiced against cows? what kind of a speciecist am i?...

...and then i think -- mmmmmm...bacon cheeseburger... Bible study: what does the Bible teach about speciecism?...

...mental note: other Bible studies are probably much more important...


..."you learn something new every day"...

...two days ago, i learned: "speciecism" can spice up my everyday vocabulary (see above)...

...yesterday, i learned: chess-boxing is a real sport..., i learned: there is such a thing as too (and almost unbearably) needy...


currently watching: Monty Python and the Holy Grail

...heh heh -- classic...

...i'm not sure, but i think Michael Palin was my favorite from the group -- either he or John Cleese...

1 comment:

Optimist Prime said...

i love animals too.

they're delicious.